Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Foot monsters...

So I got a lot of responses on foot monsters and just what in the heck they are. Yesh, I guess we are the only ones with this problem, though I find that hard to believe. Okay, so basically every night BS and FG crawl in to bed, then sit there and pat the bed, and say come on boy, come on. Like I really need more blankets, I have a full time fur coat for cat’s sakes. Anyway I do a pretty good job of pretending to be interested (no need to hurt their feelings after all) then I jump back down to my favorite corner right next to the hole in the floor that blows the cold air up(oh how I love that part of the floor). Anyway as soon as I jump on to the bed... the foot monsters ATTACK!

I don't know exactly what they are after but they sure make a big fuss under the blankets. So I start biting and pushing and biting and waiting and then more biting! FG is always screaming, and I think that just excites them because they start moving really fast when she screams(what a drama queen, woof). Well in the end I slay all the foot monsters and we can all get back to sleep. Still no sign of BS keep your nose in the air please.


Still no word from Butt-scratcher, me and Food-getter are getting restless. So to help move things along I am now willing to trade one of these delightful toys for information that could lead to finding BS. There is a tugger, a fuzzy roller, a crunchy roller, a long dogger, or a cookie man(gently loved). So please get us the info and one of these great toys could be yours. Well I should get back to bed and kill all the foot monsters for FG. A Dog’s work is never done. Woof.

Lost Human

Okay, so Butt-scratcher has come up missing again… That dude couldn’t find his way home if there was a trail of hot dogs leading him to it. So if you see or smell this guy please call Food-getter on that little toy of hers. We appreciate your help and if you see him out and about please give him some food, I always love getting food when I’m lost, if I ever got lost (which I don’t)! By the way he is about one doorway tall and smells like kinda like a pile of wet towels that have been left in a car on a Summer day.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Okay. It's not often that I have to get a two-legger to do anything, but when it come to the shoulder rotational capacity required to reach under a bed...
Anyway my favorite fuzzy rollers have a habit of finding themselves under that big worthless fluffy thing that takes all the floor space in my room. I guess I'll let them keep that thing, but only so long as they keep getting my fuzzy rollers for me and lately they have been slacking. Woof! So I think I'll go sit on their pillows, that will usually get a response. Or maybe just stare at them when then sit on the big white water bowl, that seems to make them uncomfortable. Well If anyone has any suggestions they would be welcome.


Allow me to introduce you to my roommates. That is Food-getter, she runs a pretty tight ship making sure to open doors when I need out and stuff like that.

I like the way she talks, all squeaky and fast it's funny! She also gives the best belly rubs, after a long day of defending our place from squirrels, kitties, and other dogs. What they would do without my help is beyond me.Anyway they serve their purpose, and they can be enteraining and lovable at times.

Moving along this is my other roommate Butt-scratcher. I call him that because he doesn't
seem to be good at much besides scratching butts(his own and mine). He's not around much but he can be fun when it's time to play keep-away or tug-o-war.He is also pretty fun to take on hikes through the trees and stuff, if he isn't complaining too much and scaring away all the bouncing floppy ears. It's pretty funny because he will sit there and talk to me forever saying things like sit! stay! rollover! Ha, sometimes I wonder what the heck he is talking about, but then I usually see something shiny(you know what I mean) and forget about him, until I need a good butt-scratching.

Well those are my roomies, they aren't too bad as far as two-leggers go. Well until next time, may your bowls be fully and your belly scratched.

My introduction

Well my name is Ares, no not the like the astrological sign. Most my friends call me Dog lips anyway. I am a German Shepard Dog, but I don't
speak any german. I don't think that I have ever even seen Germany! Anyway that's me right there, I like the simple things of life: going for long walks, chewing on furniture, and peeing on those funny little trees that everybody has in front of their houses. Snow is also one of my favorites, not much here in this green/leafy place that we hang out in. Sometimes I go to rocky places with lots of snow and love it! This place isn't so bad though, we got lots of sticks to chew and play keep-away with. There are a lot little squirrels to chase too, man if you haven't chased a squirrel then you haven't lived yet. Woof. Well hope I did okay for my first Dlog, I am looking forward to Dlogging a bunch in the future so just bare with me.